James Bell | HND Interactive Media | Online Learning Journal Year 2

The pressure mounts

| Tuesday, 2 October 2007

This week has all be finishing off work and getting it ready to hand in next week. I have been using Adobe PageMaker a lot this week and I am starting to gain more confidence creating and aligning documents using guides, column guides etc...

All the time that I spend using PageMaker I feel will only help when creating my screen designs in it next week. I am looking forward to finishing my web plan and seeing the end result as this is the first real web plan design I have ever created.

The process of creating a plan of the website has made me think of how many different decisions that are made subconsciously and it is not until you start to think about them that you realise. Also this week I have been using PageMaker to create my site structure diagram and this really helped me when lining up text.

After using PageMaker I like many of the features and think that it is really useful but sometimes I yearn for certain features such as; a table maker! The simplicity of Microsoft Word feels so inviting as apposed to aligning each individual row of a table and then all the text within the table in Pagemaker.

On a lighter note I feel happy with my final design and will be posting the layout, that I will be using to create my final web plan next week, within the next few days after I have finished checking my written and removing all the "waffle".

The biggest thing I have learnt this week is that usually better you plan for something the better the end result is and this especially applies to PageMaker.

Follow the principle of planning ahead I will now be placing targets at the end of each weekly entry which I hope to achieve in the following week.

  1. Check written work and place in assignment template
  2. Complete budget statement and asset list
  3. Crete web plans in Pagemaker
  4. Create CD label for CD of assignment work
  5. Complete index for sketchbook
  6. Finish Assignment!!


Tom Smith said...

I know exactly what you mean about yearning for the simplicity of a table maker. You were sat next me when I was making mine and you saw how lines didn't actually stick to the guides... an unfortunate disadvantage of Pagemaker it would seem.

Thomas Wealthy said...

I’ve got to agree with the planning helps you with the end result. Without planning you will be everywhere but where you need to be.

Julian Dyer said...

If it isn’t easy doing tables, don’t do one. Find another solution for showing the same information. You’re training to be a designer, coming up with a better optimised, quicker solution is something you’ll have to get accustomed to.