The first week back to college after the half term brought two different types of stress. The stress of what grade I gained from the assignment and secondly the stress of performing the presentation that I had prepared over the reading week.
Upon entering the room I could see that everyone else was nervous and a bit on edge. To increase the nerves just that little bit more Steve waited until the stroke of 9’oclock to tell us how the presentations were given.
After waiting about an hour in refectory it finally my turn to perform my presentation and the walk to classroom had never seemed so long.
I felt that the presentation as a whole went quite well except that I know that it didn't last for five minutes. I think this was due to the nerves I was feeling as this was making we talk faster and I also skipped parts of the presentation.
I was quite pleased with the actual delivery of the presentation as this has been something that I have previously struggled with, mainly due to nerves. I am very eager to gain feedback from the presentation so that I can see what mistakes I made and the little mannerisms that I do without realising.
After doing the presentation I was glad that I had done it and it is something that I have really learnt a lot from, not just about the content of the presentation but also the preparation that is required to giving a professional presentation.
For my previous presentation I have simply made a quick slide show in PowerPoint and just repeated the bullet points. This time I actually took care into thinking about the design, structure and the timing of the presentation.
After the initial stress of the presentation had passed it was time for me to start worrying about my assignment grade.
After returning to the room after lunch I was expecting to see the grades posted up on the wall but this was not to be the case. After performing a few tasks based on how well we thought the assignment had gone and initial reaction to the last eight weeks on the course we were finally told our grades.
I was pleased to find out I had passed the assignment and this was a large sense of relief for me but I understand that I have still made mistakes that I need to learn from and no make in the future.
This was made even more prominent with the list Steve gave us of the common mistakes within the group and I feel that I have made at least 5 or 6 these mistakes and this is something I will definitely rectify for the next assignment.
Tuesday came and Steve posed to us the most difficult question we have faced so far.
Artist or Designer or Both?
This is the first question of the A4 assignment and something that I feel will, and already has, sparked a lot of debate within the group. This question is one that think will make for an interesting assignment question and it will be main focus over the next week.
Today I spend a large amount of the day researching The Designers Republic and I have that some of their work is very inspiring. I have also been research Ian Anderson, the founder of The Designers Republic, and after researching some of his ideologies and the way he approaches questionnaires and the answers that he gives are often very provocative and are designed to cause a reaction.
After today's seminar group I am feeling a lot more confident about the forthcoming assignments and I feel I have a better understanding of what it required.
I'm quite excited but nervous at the same time about the essay that we currently have. I have mixed feelings on the subject of art and design and sometimes find myself questioning what I think.
I know that I am a designer, but I think that a lot of valid points were made this morning and it just sets something ticking in my mind.
I was wondering, what is your opinion on the essay question?
I also spent a bit of time reading interviews with Ian Anderson. He seems like a very opinionated, interesting guy.
I'm really excited about A4, I think it's going to be a really interesting assignment, and it contains a lot of stuff I'm really excited by.
Hi James
I have to say that I think every one was a little nervous and stressed about the presentation, this is natural as Steve says even he gets nervous, but I also think that we have to do it allot more times to gain more confidence, I no after doing the first presentation, that I feel allot more comfortable doing more.
Secondly, Design or Art is a long subject and I completely miss estimated the research, where ever you look it seems to be the same thing, art is needed for design and design is needed for art, it will be very interesting to see everyone’s assignment next week just to see the thoughts and feelings about art or design.
Thanks, Martyn
I'm gald to hear that your presentation went well. I was the same that I was to nervous to make mine last the whole 5 mins but at least you where pleased with hows yours went and the timing can be improved for next time.
Comment deadline.
I think the first presentation is the biggest hurdle although mine did seem to go well, then went downhill with the Typography one. I'm always nervous then find out about 2 minutes before starting I'm mildly over-reacting and it goes fine.
I guess I just fear presentations.
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